Operating Issues
Bridgemate II
USB Server 'Not connected' – 'Failed to send, Retry' – Unable to post results into ACBLscore
When trying to log on, the Bridgemate II shows "SYSTEM NOT ACTIVATED" or "TABLE NOT ACTIVATED YET"
Windows error "USB Device Not Recognized"
Bridgemate II screen shows "Waiting for update"
USB Server LED's and Switch
Bridgemate Pro
When trying to log on, the Bridgemate Pro shows "SYSTEM NOT ACTIVATED"
During a game, Bridgemates Pro show "Failed to send, retry?"
BCS shows the Bridgemate Pro serial server is "Not connected"
Hardware Issues
Bridgemate Control Software (BCS)
Close a round(s) – force all Bridgemates to start at Round "x"
Re-enter incorrect or missing player numbers -
Players log on as wrong table.
Recovering a server when game information has been lost
Location of log files
ACBLscore Problem During a Game
How can a movement be changed after a game is set up?
"Kill"ing or deleting a Section in ACBLscore
ACBLscore reports "Remote is already active" or "Bridgemate Control is already running"
Pairs sit the wrong direction – Using EDMOV
Reducing the number of rounds to be played
ACBLscore Cautions
How can a movement be changed after a game is set up? 
Generally movement changes can be made easily before the end of the first round. In ACBLscore, key F9 → 5 Change movement parameters and enter new info. ACBLscore will automatically update BCS with the new movement data. Unless the pairs and/or boards were moved to different tables, player numbers already entered are usually correct - but should be verified.
When a movement change is being made during Round 2 - or later - be sure to post all scores into ACBLscore before using F9 → 5 Change movement parameters.
ACBLscore reports "Remote is already active" or "Bridgemate Control is already running" 
Click on the Bridgemate Icon at the bottom of the PC screen and then close BCS. Sometimes Windows® will report that BCS is running but the BCS icon is not visible. If this is the case, use Windows® Task Manager to "find and close" BCS.
* Press CTRL-ALT-DEL (and - if there is a second screen - select Start Task Manager)
* Click on the Applications tab.
* Highlight Bridgemate® Control Software and click on End Task.
* If BCS is not shown on the Applications tab, click on the Processes tab.
* If you see "BMPro.exe" in the Image Name column, click on it and click the End Process button.
* As a "last resort," close all programs and reboot the PC.
Close a round(s) – force all Bridgemates to start at Round "x" 
There are times when you wish to have Bridgemates disregard their present position (in the play of hands) and start with the next round. Examples are – due to a late play – players didn't enter their result before moving – there are one-or-more very slow tables and the pairs have been moved before all of the boards from the round were entered into the Bridgemate. Previous round (or rounds) can be closed:
* In BCS, go to Session → Close rounds
* Select the section(s) to be moved to a specific "next" round.
* Set Close round 1 to "x" (where "x" is the last round to close). The Bridgemates will start with Round x+1. For example, if you select Section B to close from round 1 to 3, all of the Section B Bridgemates will now start with round 4.
* Click on the "Close rounds" button to effect the change.
When first trying to log in at a table, a Bridgemate Pro shows "SYSTEM NOT ACTIVATED" 
If other Bridgemates are working, another table has incorrectly logged on as the Section/table where the Bridgemate shows "SYSTEM NOT ACTIVATED." This can be confirmed on the BCS screen – lower left. If there are some red and green dots, check that the Section/table (that can't log in) is green - showing that another table has incorrectly logged in as the Section/table in question.
* If you can identify the errant table, just exchange Bridgemates between the two tables.
* If not: Take the Bridgemate with you to the PC and view the BCS screen.
* Procedure one: When player numbers have not been entered by the incorrect table.
o Go to: Server → Show all Tables.
o The correct table should have a green dot.
o Highlight the table and click on "Log off table(s)"
o Immediately log in the Bridgemate to the correct table.
* Procedure two: When players have already entered their player numbers.
o In the lower left of the BCS screen, the correct table should have a green dot.
o Right click on the Section/table that has been incorrectly logged on by another table.
o Click on "Remove from server" and then close the report screen.
o Right click on the same Section/table – again.
o This time, click on "Add to server" and close the report screen.
o Immediately log in the Bridgemate to the correct table.
* Try and identify the errant table – or wait for someone to report their Bridgemate is not working.
* When the errant Bridgemate is located, use the TD Key to reset the Bridgemate.
During a game, Bridgemates Pro show "Failed to send, retry?" 
On the computer ─ check the Bridgemate software screen to see if the server is shown as "Connected" or "Not connected."
* If the server is shown as "Connected" ─ go to Server → Show tables.
o If the Show tables screen is blank (confirming the server no longer has the game information)
See Recovering a server when game information has been lost
o If the Show tables screen shows the tables as being in the server, look elsewhere.
* If the server is shown as "Not connected," see BCS shows the Bridgemate Pro serial server is "Not connected"
"Kill"ing or deleting a Section in ACBLscore 
When one-or-more sections in a game have been "enabled" for wireless scoring, ACBLscore creates the "results" (.bws) file. Should an enabled section be "killed" or deleted, ACBLscore DOES NOT modify (or delete) the .bws file. Thus, when BCS is activated, the deleted Section(s) will still be in the Result (.bws) file and be loaded into the server.
To completely remove/delete the ACBLscore gamefile and the Result (.bws) file, exit ACBLscore (to the ACBLscore Database/Setup screen) and click on "Game" as if you are starting a new game. On the game setup screen:
Press the Tab key to highlight the the ACBLscore "time of day" e.g.,
- Press F3 ─ to view game list with "newest on top."
- Highlight the game you wish to delete.
- Press "D" ─ to delete the game (completely) and click "Yes" to confirm the delete.
- Click "Cancel" to return to the game setup screen.
- Now set up a new game with the same "Event file name" and "time of day."
When trying to log on, the Bridgemate II shows "SYSTEM NOT ACTIVATED" or "TABLE NOT ACTIVATED YET" 
1. There is nothing in the server. See Recovering a server when game information has been lost
2. The Bridgemate II is set on SCAN/SELECT and there is a "Region" or "Channel" mismatch between the server and the Bridgemate II. See Chapter 6, "Configuring the Bridgemate" in the Bridgemate II User Manual.
* Trying to log on as a table that is not in the server.
* The Bridgemate is set on SELECT/SELECT – or as a specific section/table, e.g., A13 – and:
◙ The table is not active in the server
◙ The section does not exist in the server
◙ There is a "Region" or "Channel" mismatch between the server and the Bridgemate II.
* The Bridgemate (table unit) firmware is not compatible with the server firmware. For example, Bridgemate firmware 2.3.1 will only work with server firmware 2.3.1d. Similarly, older Bridgemate firmware 2.2.1 or 2.2.2 will only work with server firmware 2.2.1d.
Bridgemate II screen shows "Waiting for update"
This Bridgemate did not complete the firmware update cycle before transmission from the server was stopped. Restart the firmware update process and this Bridgemate will automatically resume updating. Be sure to let the Bridgemate complete the update. Instructions for updating Bridgemates II
BCS shows the Bridgemate Pro serial server is "Not connected" 
When using the USB-to-serial adapter (dongle) with a serial server, there can be a problem with a USB port. Also, it should be noted that the the driver is port specific. Often, plugging the dongle into another USB port will enable BCS to establish a connection to the server.
Alternatively, it is possible for the serial server firmware to "lockup" (e.g., stop functioning) and no longer communicate with BCS. This seems to happen when there has been a power anomaly including running on almost-drained batteries. If the serial server LED is green, but BCS shows "Not connected," the server may need to be reset.
■ Disconnect the server from the computer.
■ Remove the power connector from the server. The LED should change to red – indicating the server is running on battery power.
■ Remove at least one of the batteries. The LED should now be off.
■ Reconnect the power adapter – leaving the battery(ies) out. The LED should be green.
■ Reconnect the server to the computer.
○ If BCS is still running, wait for a minute or so to see if the server will now be shown as "Connected."
○ If BCS is not running, it should be started – by itself or from ACBLscore using BMS. Verify that the server is now "Connected."
■ Occasionally, however, it may be necessary to leave the server unpowered for 30 minutes or longer! If that is necessary, then repeat the applicable steps above.
Once the server is again showing "Connected," it will be necessary to reload the "to-date" game information back into the server.
See Recovering a server when game information has been lost
Also, the battery(ies) ─ that were removed ─ may now be replaced in the server. The battery switch should be "On" ─ the "1" down.
Pairs sit the wrong direction – Using EDMOV 
When pairs sit the wrong direction, scores must be posted into ACBLscore first. Then, to make the change:
◘ F11 → EDMOV → 2 Display or change movement → 9 Edit one cell.
◘ Select the Round and Table and answer "N" to Partial round adjustment (Y/N).
◘ Enter the "new" N/S and E/W pair numbers and confirm the first board played in the round.
◘ After the change has been made, press ESC and then 6 Save and exit.
Note: It is highly recommended that the EDMOV change be made only at the end of the game (minimally, after the players at the errant table have finished all of their boards). While not recommended, the EDMOV change can be made "between rounds" after all of the tables have entered all of their results - in any subsequent round - and before the errant table enters a board in that subsequent round, and all the results have all been posted into ACBLscore. If the EDMOV change is made "during a round for the errant table," the ACBLscore "update" will reset that Bridgemate to the beginning of the round. If this happens, it will be necessary to re-enter boards that have already been played and accepted in that round.
Special Note: Any subsequent movement change WILL erase the EDMOV action. This is another good reason to only make an EDMOV change after the game has been completed!
Reducing the number of rounds to be played 
If the number of rounds to be played is being reduced, this change MUST be made:
- before any table has completed what will become the penultimate (next-to-last) round – and,
- results from at least 1 or 2 rounds have been posted into ACBLscore.
The command to use is F9 → 2 Change number of played rounds.
If the reduction in rounds is made after one-or-more tables have started the "now-the-last" round, the results-file flag that ACBLscore sets will "reset" any Bridgemates that have already entered any now-the-last-round scores to the start of the round. Scores from those tables will have to be re-entered.
When the reduction is made late in the game, it is possible the Bridgemates will not properly react to the movement change and they will try to continue on to the "now-nonexistent" last round. Each such Bridgemate will need to be reset.
Re-enter incorrect or missing player numbers 
If the Bridgemate member-number screen is still visible, press Cancel to erase one-or-more member numbers and enter the correct number(s). If the numbers have already been accepted, corrections can be made on the BCS computer screen (Players tab) and/or "manually" in ACBLscore. It should be noted that with Bridgemates II - when players press OK after the member numbers have been entered - a name-confirmation screen will display. If the names are all correct, press OK; otherwise, press Cancel to return to the member-number screen and make the necessary correction(s).
Starting with Bridgemate II, firmware 2.2.2, names may be corrected during a game. On the Board/Contract screen, click on "NAMES" at the bottom of the screen. This confirms the player names currently in the result (.bws) file; to make one-or-more corrections, follow the instructions on the screen.
Also, use the alternate procedures (below) when the incorrect number(s) are recognized before play starts; corrections can be made at the table:
Bridgemate II (recommended action)
◘ Take another Bridgemate II and log it on as that table.
◘ Press OK to confirm you want to take over the table that has already logged on.
◘ Enter your TD Pin Code (when prompted).
◘ On the confirming take-over screen, press ERASE.
◘ This erases everything entered by the original Bridgemate and prompts players for their numbers, again.
Bridgemate Pro & II
◘ In BCS – highlight the “errant” table in the lower, left area of the screen.
◘ Right click on the table and left click on Remove from server: close the confirmation screen.
◘ Right click on the table, again, and left click on Add to server this time; close the confirmation screen.
◘ When the players try to do something on the Bridgemate, it will reset itself to the Bridgemate Pro or II screen.
◘ The table may now be logged on and player numbers entered normally.
Players log on as the wrong table 
It has happened: Table 3 logged on as Table 7 (they looked at their first board and not the table card).
Bridgemate Pro or II: Follow the steps in "Bridgemate Pro & II" above.
Bridgemates II - only:
» Go to Table 7 and try to log on as table 7:
» Press OK to confirm you want to take over the table (that was incorrectly logged on by Table 3),
» Enter your TD Pin Code (when prompted).
» On the confirming take-over screen, press ERASE.
» This will erase everything incorrectly entered by table 3. Table 7 players will then be prompted to enter their numbers.
» The Table 3 Bridgemate II will show "Another Bridgemate has taken over." The Bridgemate II will return to the log-on screen.
Recovering a server when game information has been lost 
If the game information has been inadvertently erased (reset) from the server or a new game movement hasn't been activated in the server, it is possible to recover all of the movement data and scores that have been read from the server and saved in the "Results" (.bws) file. In BCS:
○ Session → Synchronize / recover → Recover server button → Yes on next 2 screens → type number shown and OK.
○ The movement along with all of the results previously recorded in the "Results" (.bws) file will now be loaded into the server.
○ The server will now be at the point where it was when BCS lost contact with the server, i.e., when the server was erased/reset.
○ Bridgemates may now be activated; they will be "reset" to the place (in time) where BCS stopped recording information from the server – or the beginning of the game.
○ It may be necessary to "re-enter" some scores.