Website Displays
With the Bridgemate Scoring System, exciting website displays are possible. In addition to the scores and match points from ACBLscore, the complete history of each board is available for review.
There are various options for website displays:
Bridge-specific websites that create the displays for you.
There are Bridge-specific websites that will automatically create hand-record displays from the ACBLscore game file (or report) and the Bridgemate results (.bws) file. With pre-dealt boards – where there are hand records – the displays are even more meaningful.
- Bridge Results
Third-party software that creates a display file that can be uploaded to your own website.
- BridgeComposer
- ACBLmerge
Self-written software.
Bridge-specific websites - - -
Bridgemate.US has been working with website developers that provide Bridge-specific sites which users can easily control. The main advantage these website providers offer is that with the Bridgemate System you can now display complete data on each game. In addition to the ACBLscore "results" info, you can display the Contract, Declarer and actual result - as well as the lead (if desired). With hand records, even more detail is available.
These developers are most happy to provide trial service. Please look at the "test" sites -, or
Both Bridgewebs and list clubs using their service.
Evolving from the ACBLmerge and as implemented at La Jolla Bridge, BridgeResults now offers web hosting for bridge clubs. It is also used to post tournament results in several Western Districts.
For more information visit Introducing the Bridge Result Website. Also, you may email an Information Request
ACBL Game Results
ACBL Game Results
ACBL's Sanctioned Club Game Results online program is a free service from ACBLscore for viewing on the ACBL web site. Register for this service at ACBL's User Manual for their website service is available at CompleteInstructionManual
Clubs that already have an existing website may "link" to the ACBL service to display the more detailed results. Clubs without a website will instruct players to go to
Bridge Club Manager
They will handle and assist you with all aspects of establishing and maintaining a club/unit/district website including technology consulting services.
Visit their website for more information.
Third-party software
BridgeComposer is shareware that may be used to create Results web pages - using data from ACBLscore and the "results" (.bws) file that is shared by Bridgemate Control Software and ACBLscore during a game. Optionally, hand records may be included. For clubs using their Bridgemates II to enter hand records, BridgeComposer will load the hand records directly from the .bws file. For more information visit the BridgeComposer website
These are some Bridge Clubs using the Bridgemate Scoring System and BridgeComposer for their website displays:
Emerald Bridge Club, Springfield OR
The Bridge Spot, Woburn MA
San Diego Bridge Academy, San Diego CA
Rockville Duplicate Bridge Club, Rockville MD
Andover Duplicate Bridge Club, North Andover MA
ACBLmerge is a free (open source) program developed to merge hand records, double dummy results, and electronic scoring data with ACBLscore output, creating HTML output for websites. For more information visit lajollabridge.comThe Esplanade Bridge Center uses ACBLmerge. Their website links to Bridge Results to display their Results and Calendar.
Self-written software
Many clubs have written their own software to create displays for their websites. A few examples are:
The Peoria Bridge Studio
Indianapolis Bridge
Essex Bridge Center
Halifax Bridge Studio
Last Update March 22, 2018